We all look around for interesting subject to shoot photograph to.
Beautiful places, beautiful animals, beautiful models, beautiful street stories.
But just think for a moment at the day you will die. I know, it’s a quite dramatic image.
But just think for a moment about that last moment: your last day on earth. What kind of photograph you’ll want to look at that day?
Your expensive safari? Beautiful shots of stangers? I don’t think so. Personally I would love to look at the photographs I’ve shot at my loved ones. At my family. My mom, my father, my sister, my niece Vera. Life is beautiful and life is short. I believe in a cycle of rebirth. I think we’re here in this life to learn lessons, to learn how to be happy and give more love rather than being attached to material things. Shooting photos at the people we love is a way to keep them alive forever.
When I think about my family I feel a great love for them. I care about them and they care about me. Sometimes I think scared at the day we’ll have to separate. May be I’ll have a car accident, or may be my mom will die for a sickness or something else. That day I’ll be (or she’ll be) destroyed by pain for missing each other. And I know for sure that day I’ll regret not having taken enough pictures of them. That’s why I insist on taking pictures of our loved ones. Because,
if you put all your photographic skill in shooting beautiful pictures of your beloved ones, you’ll have a enduring remember of them.
And…print your photographs. We don’t know how technology will evolve. May be one day jpg won’t be the image standard anymore. May be you’ll have a hard disk breakdown or you’ll get your USB key lost and all those memories will be gone forever. But a print will remain even years after and it will be something you’ll always have with you and that you can leave in heritage to your family.
When I take photographs of my family I also remember myself how they’re important to me, how beautiful they are. They’re quite uncompromising about the quality of the photographs I take of them, so I have to become a better photographer in order to make them happy about their portraits.
You can also shoot photographs to the situation you live with your beloved ones and it will be a pleasure to look together at those photos when years are gone by.
Another advantage of taking pictures of your beloved ones is that working about pictures of a person you love is far less boring than processing or editing pictures of a stranger.
So, resuming, when photographing your soulmate (if you have found her/him) and taking pictures of your beloved ones:
- you’ll have an enduring memory of your beloved ones.
- you can print them in order to have the permanent chance to look at those pictures. Whenever. Everywhere.
- you’ll remember to yourself, everyday, how important your life mates are for you.
- you’ll become a better photographer.
- you’ll get something you share with them.
- you’ll edit and process your photographs with more pleasure and fun.
Your life is the only true reportage. Keep documenting and reporting it through your best photographs.
ps: somebody has yelled at me because my english is so bad. Guys, I’m from Italy and I’m doing my best to write in english. I keep learning, trying to read everything possible in english and watching english movies, but I am human and I prefer spending time and money living experiences with my life then on a proofreader. May be one day I’ll be able to afford somebody who will translate and check my posts, but…is that really what I want? I think my bad english is something that is part of me. Probably some of you will laugh when reading my mistakes, grammar errors and mis-spelling, but that’s ok. That’s me. If we were sitting drinking a coffee and having a chat together, I don’t think you’d be embarassed by my english; I rather think you’d appreciate my efforts to communicate in a language in which I’m not mother tongue. So…just read this blog as you were having a chat with me in front of a coffee (or a beer, or whatever you like to drink). Yes, I mispell, I make grammar errors and my english is horrible. I know that. but I am sure you can understand what I write. This is not a blog made for money, I don’t want it to be a professional blog from which earning tons of dollars. If it happens, great, if not, it’s the same for me. This blog is just my way to share my thoughts about photography with you. Relax, forgive my english and enjoy the chat.
Feel free to share this blog and to comment. I’ll be happy to chat with you.
Hello Marco,
I really enjoyed reading the articles on your Blog.
For a native Italian, I think your English is amazing but if you’d like, I would be happy to edit your articles for no charge and with no strings attached.
All the best,
Wow thank you!
Your english is just fine. It is more than enough to tell your unique stories. There are thousands of blogs on the internet yet you find a very different perspective and write very compelling posts.
Keep up the good work !
This is one of the most wonderful articles I’ve ever read on photography. I very much agree with the sentiment! Thank you so much for writing it.
Thank you! Please share it if you liked it! It would help a lot!
Ciao Marco,
Io sono dall’altro lato: la mia lingua principale è l’inglese e ho avuto la opportunità di imperare un po’ la meravigliosa lingua italiana durante 7 anni di lavoro in l’Italia!
For me your English is plenty OK, you can express your thoughts perfectly and I really enjoy reading your stories / looking at the wonderful images of life you capture!
Thanks for sharing & wish you a very nice Xmas together with your loved ones and a wonderful, successful, fun new year 2020!
Best regards, Hendrik
Thank you Hendrik! Comments like yours are inspiring!
Auguri di Buone Feste anche a te!